Saturday, August 31, 2019

Immanuel Kant Essay

Deontological ethics are concerned with what people do and not with the consequences of their actions. It teaches some actions might be correct or wrong because of their nature, and it is the duty of the people to act accordingly, regardless of the consequences that might occur, for the good or bad. It basically means one has to adhere to the universal rules and guidelines irrespective of the consequences and act in accordance to them. Getting to the means is not important by the way or choice of getting to the mean is important. Immanuel Kant, the man who formulated this theory had a method to practice this theory and this was known as the maxims. Before testing the decisions of the product manager with the three maxims, let’s look at the decision from a business and not an ethical point of view. The product manager has chosen the Thai company and it benefits his company financially as his costs go down by 1/3 rd the price, thus making sense from a business point of view. There is another way of looking at this situation, it could be said that this decision of the product manager is providing those families with work and giving them a chance to make some money and earn a livelihood and provide for themselves. Also the decision makes sense on a personal level as he stands to earn a hefty bonus at the end of the year. In spite of the decision making financial and business sense, on his way back the product manager had an ethical dilemma as the decision questioned his morality as the situation involved inhumanity and child labour, leading him to think is this the right decision? Testing the decision against the three maxims, I will decide whether the decision taken by the product manager is ethical or not. Considering the three maxims a lot of valid points can be argued for and against the decision of the product manager. Maxim 1: The first maxim states that â€Å"Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law without contradiction†. The decision contradicts the universal law as the product manager does not want to see his nieces in the same situation as the kids making the toys. He wonders about his nieces and whether he would like to see them grow up as the kids making the toys. He wants his nieces to have a good life with education, shelter and all basic necessities. According to maxim 1, even the children making the toys should have the same privileges. As a result this decision by the product manager fails maxim 1 and although it makes financial sense, ethically it will not be right and according to the universal law the decision does not support deontology theory as the product manager is not at ease with himself in the same situation. As a result according to maxim 1 it will be a non-ethical decision. BAFD2 1321A PAGE 2 Ethics in Business Studies Maxim 2: The second maxim states that â€Å"Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never merely as a means to an end but always at the same time as an end†. This means one should treat another person as one would like to be in the treated himself. The product manager would definitely not want to be in the same situation as the family making the toys, where young children who are supposed to go to school and have a normal childhood sitting all day and making toys and an old lady preparing meals for everybody as the family lives in sub-standard conditions. He would not want his nieces in that similar situation or his family living in similar circumstances. This cannot be considered humanitarian and as a result the decision of the product manager fails the second maxim of deontology and cannot be considered to be an ethical decision. Maxim 3: The third maxim states â€Å"Therefore, every rational being must so act as if he were through his maxim always a legislating member in the universal kingdom of ends. † This maxim does rationalise the decision of the product manager. These families that make the toys depend on this for their livelihood and need it for their survival. So if the product manager declines the offer some other company might take it up and the families will continue to work and live in the same situation. If the product manager declines the contract he may be depriving the families of their income. On the other hand by accepting the contract he is supporting child labour and inhuman working conditions. This makes him wonder and he would not want to see his family in a situation where he is sitting in a barn with his nieces working and his mother cooking a meal. The children that should be at school are forced to work and elderly women are forced to work too. Seeing his family in a similar situation would want to make him decline the contract on ethical grounds. However with regards to the third maxim the decision to choose the Thai company does not pass the test but neither does it fail the maxim test. The decision to decline may not be warranted as some other company might take up the contract but on a rational and ethical ground declining the contract will be a correct decision on part of the product manager. As we have seen in this essay the decision of the product manager to choose the Thai company does not pass all three maxims and as a result it should be considered as an unethical decision. BAFD2 1321A PAGE 3 Ethics in Business Studies References: †¢Bbc. co. uk, (2014). BBC – Ethics – Introduction to ethics: Duty-based ethics. [online] Available at: http://www. bbc. co. uk/ethics/introduction/duty_1. shtml [Accessed 15 Jul. 2014]. †¢Crane, A. and Matten, D. (2010). Business ethics. 1st ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. †¢Ethics. iit. edu, (2014). Deontological | ethics. iit. edu. [online] Available at: http://ethics. iit. edu/teaching/deontological [Accessed 15 Jul. 2014]. BAFD2 1321A.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Komiquindox Literature

KOMIQUINDOX (ANTIBIOTIC FEED ADDITIVE & GROWTH PROMOTER) Composition: * Antibiotic feed grade with antibacterial activity. * For better health & growth in broiler. * Treat diarrhea in poultry & livestock. * Prevent bacterial, fungal & viral infection. * Give better egg production in breeder & layer. * Improves egg shell weight, size & internal contents in layer & breeder. * Excellent source of energy. Descriprtion: Olaquindox: Olaquindox is a growth promoting feed additive for food producing animals. When incorporated in feed, olaquindox [ 2-( N-2? -Hydroxyethyl carbonyl)-3-methyl quinoxaline-1,4-dioxide] is absorbed from the digestive tract. Olaquindox is widely distributed throughout the body tissues. The good tissue penetration & high drug concentrations (max inhibitory concentrations) for most bacterial pathogens suggest potential clinical use in the treatment of bacterial infections in poultry. Molecular Formula:C12H13N3O4 Calcium carbonate: The use of calcium carbonate (in the form of supplemental granules)  appeared to result in an increase in the values of nitrogen  retention and for fat and crude fiber digestibility, probably  due to a better dispersion or separation of the feed particles  in the first portions of the gastrointestinal tract, and facilitating  of the action of the digestive juices. Calcium carbonate can be used as a strengthening food for chickens. Chicken requires Calcium carbonate to yield strong eggs. According to geological information website, crushed Calcium carbonate is often fed to chicken as dietary supplements. Indications: * Feed grade antibiotic which Promotes health & growth. * Used for the treatment of diarrhea in both poultry & livestock. * Prevent infection from bacteria, fungi & virus. * Olaquindox is widely distributed throughout the body. * Gives better egg production & improves egg shell weight & its percentage. * Improves egg shell contents & no. of table eggs. * Calcium carbonate use increases the value of nitrogen retention. * Fed to chickens as dietary supplement. * It is the structural component of the bone. Sustained egg production in birds can be achieved by feeding diets containing Calcium Carbonate. * Calcium is satisfactory for both breeding & growing birds. * It is an excellent source of energy. * Increase the ability of birds to resist against all kind of stress. * Increase the ability of birds to resist against bacterial, viral & fungal diseases. Cautions: Protect from sunlight. Dosage & Administration: * Administer by oral route mixed with feed. * Dose: * 100 g per t on†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 5 g per bag * 1000 g per ton†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 50 g per bag * 500 g per ton†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 25 g per bag

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Biography of Elie Wiesel

This book was published in France in 1958 as La Nuit (Night), translated into multiple languages, became the most famous in the history of the Holocaust, probably the most influential personal record. Elieie Wiesel's opposition to indifference was primarily due to him and his wife establishing one of the most authoritative organizations like the Elie Wiesel Humanitarian Foundation. It is wrong to go to various countries to talk about his beliefs and why it is done to human beings. Dawie by Elie Wiesel In this report, you will see a comparison of the life of the novel Dawn and its creator Elie Wiesel. If you understand the life of Elie Wiesel, these comparisons are very obvious. Elie Wiesel was born in Hungary on September 28, 1928. Wessel experienced many difficult times as a young age. In 1944, Wessel was banished from the Nazis and brought to concentration camps. His family was taken to the town of Auschwitz. Wiesel's father, mother, and older sister died at night by Elie Wiesel Ni ght is a memoir written by Elie Wiesel, a Jewish boy who talked about his experience during the Holocaust. His favorite activity is to learn the Talmud and spend time with his spiritual tutor Moshe the Beadle at the temple. When I was very young, Erie was simple and confident for God. But this belief will be tried when the Nazis took him from his town. That night started in 1941. At that time, Erie was 12 years old. growing up The book Night by Elie Wiesel is a reminiscence of the Holocaust about the author's experience during the Holocaust. Elie Wiesel was born in Sighet in Transylvania in 1928. A book named Night is said by a boy named Eliezer. Eliezer is the representative of the author. Elie Wiesel said that the story is not about his experience, but most of the events in the novel are based on the life of Elie Wiesel. Elie and Eliezer's experience has subtle differences. This novel starts with Zeek in Transylvania. The night of Elie Wiesel is an iconic book whose headline repre sents the pain, pain, and most important death witnessed by childhood experience in the concentration camp in Elie Wiesel. Elie Wiesel, born in Shige in Transylvania, is from the Jews and is very interested in traditional Jewish religious studies. The Wiesel family (related to his three sisters, mother and father) was eradicated at Siguet's house and brought to Auschwitz as part of the massacre. Eli separated from his mother and three sisters at the Auschwitz concentration camp, surviving in Auschwitz, Buna, Buchenwald, Gleevitz.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Academic analytics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Academic analytics - Essay Example adley review acknowledges that benchmarking activities such as student engagement serve as indicators for gauging the institution’s quality (Commonwealth Government of Australia, 2008). Increased competition, accreditation, assessment and regulation are the major factors encouraging the adoption of academic analytics in institutions of higher learning. Although institutions of higher learning gather a lot of vital data that can significantly aid in solving problems like attrition and retention, the collected data is not being analysed adequately and hence translated into useful data (Goldstein, 2005.) Subsequently, higher education leadership are forced to make critical and vital decisions based on inadequate information that could be achieved by properly utilising and analysing the available data (Norris, Leonard, & strategic Initiatives Inc., 2008). This gives rise to strategic problems. This setback also depicts itself at the tactical level. Learning and teaching at institutions of higher education if often a diverse and complex experience. Each and every teacher, student or course is quite different. However, LMS is tasked with taking care of them all. LMS is a t the centre of academic analytics. It records each and every student and staff’s information and results in a click within the system. When this crucial information is added, compared and contrasted with different enterprise information systems provides the institution with a vast array of useful information that can be harvested to gain a competitive edge (Dawson & McWilliam, 2008; Goldstein, 2005; Heathcoate & Dawson, 2005). In order to retrieve meaningful information from institution sources i.e. LMS, the information has to be correctly interpreted against a basis of educational efficiency, and this action requires thorough analysis from people with learning and teaching skills. Therefore, a collaborative approach is required from both the people guarding the data and those who will interpret

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Galapagos islands Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Galapagos islands - Research Paper Example In addition, sailors have used the islands as a food source and rest stop for hundreds of years. The combination has been an environmental disaster. Efforts have been made through the years to curb the loss of native animal populations due to man’s carelessness but some have become extinct anyway, a shame anywhere that might occur but especially so for these particular islands. The idea of evolution was formed before Darwin’s birth but it was his book On Origin of the Species that popularized the concept. This book is the source of most all educated people’s knowledge of the science to this day. Of course since it’s writing scientists have expanded the field of knowledge regarding the evolutionary process. Though Darwin had studied the evolution, his writings suggest that he still believed in the biblical account of creation before boarding the H.M.S. Beagle on its voyage to the Pacific Ocean, that it was compatible with biological evolution theory. Once h e returned from the islands and thoroughly studied the evidence he had brought back, his concept of the creation of man had evolved to purely a scientific explanation. The species of animals found on the Galapagos are unlike any other, anywhere in the world. Darwin observed a bird, a type of Finch, was very similar but had slightly different characteristics depending on the particular island they inhabited. Interestingly, each island is vastly different. One is like a desert, a second like a lowland forest, a third has a dense forest, a fourth subtropical forests usually found only in higher elevations, a fifth grassy plain-like conditions and so on. He recognized that the Finch’s were different because they had developed specialized physical features designed to adapt to the differing environments. Darwin theorized that a single type of Finch flew to the islands originally then, through biological evolutionary process, developed into several different species over millions o f years. The Galapagos Island chain is fairly new, geologically speaking. It was formed by a series of volcanic eruptions occurring between three and five million years ago. Darwin understood that the island’s isolated location must have offered life the opportunity for a new beginning. â€Å"Seeing every height crowned with its crater, and the boundaries of most of the lava-streams still distinct, we are led to believe that within a period, geologically recent, the unbroken ocean was here spread out,† he documented in his Journal of Researches. â€Å"Hence, both in space and time, we seem to be brought somewhat near to that great fact, that mystery of mysteries, the first appearance of new beings on this earth.† (Sulloway, 2005). In other words, the circumstances inherent in the islands was a unique opportunity to view how evolution occurs over a relatively rapid period of time over a very short distance, the perfect laboratory to confirm observations and theor ies. When he returned to his home in England, Darwin, along with a respected ornithologist (bird expert) identified 13 different finch species he had brought back from the Galapagos.  The ornithologist was baffled because he knew that only one species of finch lived on the entire South American Continent which was the only feasible location from which a bird that size could reach the Galapagos without have to land. He also noticed that the beaks

Monday, August 26, 2019

Marketing in The Third World Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Marketing in The Third World - Article Example When the discussion centers its focus on the marketing tangents within the third world nations, one finds that the booming economies of the developing countries brings to light the core issues of marketing, public relations, direct access to customers and other marketing outlets on a consistent level. This is because marketing has attained quite a significant role within the domains of the local businesses which are existent within these nations. With the changing global scenario and the technological thresholds coming to the fore, marketing has attained quite an important place within the whole area without any shadow of a doubt. Also new products which were just a norm within the developed nations have come to the front within the third world countries and thus marketing has had a pertinent role to play within the developing economies. Marketing within the third world has come out as a challenge for the different multinational companies because these organizations have seen pretty different perspectives both from the state as well as from the people, who are the direct beneficiaries of these multinational organizations. The marketing so done is indeed to benefit these people alone but at times consumer rights movements for one reason or the other have marred the whole infrastructure and indeed the business operations within the local domains for the multinationals. Thus the third world has posed quite a few headaches for the top companies when it comes to making the decision towards the third world countries or stick within the realms of the already developed nations. The consumer reaction could change any moment but then again this is pretty different to what these multinationals could expect in the developed countries where there are proper protests and demonstrations, all of which are lodged in a civilized mann er. The riots that usually take place within the third world countries due to branded products and the like are unheard of within the developed countries and thus this aspect has gained quite a lot of weight in the related discussions. Another significant consideration for marketing within the third world is of the ethical norms and the lack thereof. The ethical procedures that are implemented and made use of within the developed nations at times become a laughing stock within the third world nations due to the fact that their people are not properly educated and they have had less exposure at the hands of the multinational organizations. This is a serious pointer within the subject of marketing within the third world countries because seriously unethical and immoral marketing and advertising messages would become a usual norm within such locales and this would hamper their growth in a proper and adequate way. The society has a direct bearing on the way the marketing aspects are treated within any third world nation and thus the role of the marketing regimes becomes all the more pertinent in such situations. They have to play a parent role in devising strategies that could spark trouble and unrest within the third world nations as well as create controversies for the mere pleasure attached with their existence. Since labor is cheap within the third

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Alternative Fuel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Alternative Fuel - Essay Example For example, smog can cause eye and respiratory tract irritation, and carbon monoxide can inhibit the ability of a person's blood to carry oxygen to vital organs. The average vehicle, through its combustion of fossil fuels, also emits greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrocarbons, and chlorofluorocarbons surround the Earth's atmosphere like a clear thermal blanket, allowing the sun's warming rays in and trapping the heat close to the Earth's surface. This natural greenhouse effect keeps the average surface temperature at around 60F (33C). However, the increased use of fossil fuels during the last century has created an enhanced greenhouse effect, known as global warming. And transportation has played a large role in this increase. During the 1990s, the annual growth rate of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions from transportation averaged 1.6 percent. In 1999, some 82 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions consisted of carbon dioxide released by the combustion of energy fuels. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates (Durbin et al, 2000) that each year the average light vehicle in the United States releases 10,000 pounds of carbon dioxide into the air. Motor gasoline contributed close to 300 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, making it the largest single source of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions. By reducing vehicle emissions, AFVs and advanced vehicle technologies help combat both air pollution and global climate change. Alternative fuels not only burn cleaner producing lower emissions, but some are even renewable, unlike fossil fuels, which means we could develop a continuous supply of them. The alternative fuels in use today include ethanol, biodiesel, methanol, natural gas, propane, electrici ty, and hydrogen. Biofuels are renewable since they are produced from biomass i.e. organic matter, such as plants. They generate about the same amount of carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas) from the tailpipe as fossil fuels, but the plants that are grown to produce the biofuels actually remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (ERCL, 1999). Therefore, the net emission of carbon dioxide will be close to zero. Diesel engines can function efficiently with biodiesel, a fuel made from vegetable oil. A combination of vegetable oil and diesel fuel produce fewer emissions than straight diesel. Commercially available biodiesel is offered in blends of 5% vegetable oil to 95% diesel (B5), 10% to 90% (B10) and 20% to 80% (B20). Consumers can have their diesel engines converted for around 800 dollars-to run on 100% vegetable oil (Anthony & Cornish, 2001). The oil produces no harmful emissions and the cost can be nominal or free since many consumers get used vegetable oil from fast food restaurants, but consumers mu st filter their used oil, which is complicated and the equipment is costly. In addition, buying pure vegetable oil can cost more than straight diesel fuel. Fuel consumption for vegetable oil is similar to diesel, which gets 20 to 30 percent better mileage than gasoline (ERCL, 1999). Emissions are much less toxic than those from gasoline, and its carbon neutral because the carbon dioxide absorbed by the plant from which the oil is derived offsets CO2 generated when it is used as fuel. With the increasing popularity of vegetable oil as a motor fuel,

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Rhetorical Analysis - Essay Example The appeal made by Jim Hightower in this article is replete with ample logical insights and arguments that cater to the logical faculties of the target audience and is rich in verifiable ethical claims that are aimed at arousing the ethical concerns and interests of the American consumers. The ethical credibility of the claims made by Jim Hightower is to a great extent established and reinforced by the character and professional credentials of the author. The target audience in particular and the readers in general can readily believe the claims being made by the writer as the character and qualifications of the writer evince much respect and credibility. Jim Hightower is indeed a very versatile American personality, who happens to be a radio commentator, public speaker, author and writer (Jim Hightower 1). Jim Hightower has spent much time and resources, protecting and safeguarding the rights of the American consumers, common folks, small businesses, working families and environment alists (Jim Hightower 1). Jim Hightower enjoys the honor of being twice elected Texas Agriculture Commissioner (Jim Hightower 1). Jim has written many books to further his cause and his works include Thieves in High Places: They’ve Stolen our Country and its Time to take it back, There’s nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos, If the Gods has Meant us to Vote they would have Given us Candidates and Swim Against the Current: Even a Dead Fish can go with the Flow (Jim Hightower 1). Jim Hightower has been known for vociferously voicing the concern of the common American masses and consumers and his articles enjoy much public interest and following. So, even a cursory perusal of the article The Price of Cheap Goods does convince the readers that the writer that is Jim Hightower is somebody that deserves serious attention and interest. In the article, Jim Hightower successfully manages to come out as somebody who happens to be an authority on the subject being discussed and dealt with (Swearingen 122). The tone, matter and the research behind the details unraveled in the article are sufficient to convince the readers that the writer that is Jim Hightower is somebody who is worthy of interest and is likable (Swearingen 122). The professional background and credentials of Jim Hightower are sufficient to imbue the article with an aura of character and credibility. The tone and style adopted by Jim Hightower in the given article as conveyed by â€Å"It’s common to find child labor, sixteen hour days, constant exposure to lead and other poisons, wage rip-offs and other abuses in factories that stock the shelves of our stores and line the pockets of our corporate CEOs (Hightower 46),† does attract much credibility and trustworthiness on the part of the American consumers. In the given article, Jim Hightower inclusively resorts to verifiable logical means backed by

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Contract Management for IT company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Contract Management for IT company - Essay Example Moreover, in this similar regard, any contract management process is also renowned as a practice where the parties of the contract ensure both time and cost effective accomplishment of the purposes of the contact. A contract has the task of assuring the aspect that the operations of business are executed as per the terms and conditions mentioned in the contract amid the contract manager and the company (Rendon 2009). Contextually, this particular report will mainly highlight the accountability of a contract manager in case of supply of an IT project while dealing with the terms and conditions of a contractual agreement. With regard to the management of contract within the project, the project manager or the contract manager in this case will need to be quite aware of all the legal obligations that can hamper validity and enforceability of the contract. Contextually, some of the aspects that the contract manager will need to assure include certifying proper validity of the contract through proceeding systematically while entering the contract. In this context, it can be stated that the contract manager will need to ensure proper execution of offer, acceptance and settlements of the terms and conditions while framing the contract. The contract manager will also need to analyse the potential areas within the contract which might result in disputes or conflicts and devise his/her move accordingly. The contract manager in charge of framing the contract for an IT project will also need to be familiar with other legal provisions in contracting with suppliers from other nations outside the European Union. This will ensure better results in the contract management process. These aspects are described in details hereunder. It is evident that a contract is a particular agreement amid two or more parties where each of the parties will be liable to adhered to the terms and conditions of the contract. A contract is generally entered amid two